Worship Every Sunday at 10:00 am
4882 Lavista Road | Tucker, Georgia 30084-4460
office@sapctucker.org | 770-938-2833
Directions to St. Andrews

Click here for more information and to sign up to bring flowers for an upcoming Sunday. Flowers can be from your garden, a floral department or florist. Please contact Margaret Ellingson at mwellingson@gmail.com or 770-891-0858 with any questions.

The PW are planning for the Fall! Please let Mary O’Brien know if you would like to order a copy of the book they will be studying, Celebrating Sabbath770-939-2412, mepob@bellsouth.net. Contact Judy Cook for more information about the Presbyterian Women at St. Andrews.

August 7 Blessing of the Backpacks

August 13 Back to School Carnival

September 4 Hymn Sing

September 25 BBQ

Our Engagement and Education Ministries have joined forces once again to put on St. Andrews Back-to -School Carnival. This is a free event where we can invite our neighbors to join us for some fun as we celebrate the end of summer and a return to the school year. Please save the date for August 13 from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and be ready to sign up to help! We will send out further details as they become available.

There are spots available for upcoming dates to bring food to Clifton; for more information or to sign up click here. This ministry is a very easy thing to do while maintaining your social distancing, since meals are dropped off on Clifton’s front porch, after calling ahead to let them know when you are coming.
Our congregation feeds the men at Clifton Sanctuary Ministries on the fourth Sunday of every month.

Building Families is part of Thornwell and St. Andrews has offered office space to Building Families for the past 7 years. Sarah ‘Say’ Spenser has recently retired from Building Families to spend time with her new grandson. We have loved having her on our campus and appreciate all of the parenting series, teaching on Wednesday evenings, and other things she brought to us here at St. Andrews.

You are invited to join your church family for a Faith Formation Intergenerational Bible study for 4 Sundays beginning July 10th. We will gather at 9:00 a.m. in Heffner Hall for a discussion on the topic of the day followed by a time of fellowship. 

 Back to school expenses create a financial emergency for some of our neighbors. Will you help them prepare for a successful school year by providing school supplies for NETWorks’ Good Neighbor Shop? We will be collecting new school supplies at St. Andrews for NETWorks Cooperative Ministries through July 24th. There will be a collection bin in the Narthex and one outside the office door in the courtyard for collecting items. Click here for NETWorks’ list of needed items and here for more information about this ministry.

Send Us a Postcard Our summer sermon series, Letters from the Journey, begins this Sunday, July 3rd. You are invited to send a quick note or postcard to the church this summer- see how we share them and the greetings you send over the coming months. You can even email us a quick note from the road! Our address is 4882 Lavista Rd Tucker, GA 30084.

Sunday June 26th It is the Third Sunday after Pentecost and we will celebrate worship in the sanctuary and our homes via YouTube. Light of Grace will be leading us in Worship and Our Sabbatical pastor Rev. Kate Colussy-Estes will offer a brief reflection. Our hymns will be My Shepherd Will Supply My Need, and When Hands Reach Out and Fingers Trace. Our scripture passages are: Psalm 23Psalm 33:4Proverbs 3:5Psalm 73:23Psalm 55:22, and Mark 12:30Click here for a copy of Sunday’s bulletin. We will post the recording of our worship service on our website.We will not have lunch after worship; we will have Lemonade in the Shade.