Coffee is a shade-loving shrub, a low-to-the-ground plant that thrives as part of a healthy ecosystem surrounded by other species of plants and wildlife. The plants that shade the coffee provide shelter and food for birds and pollinators, sequester carbon, and serve as a source of food for local communities. The overwhelming majority of Equal Exchange coffees are organically grown in shade-grown environments by small farmers.
In some communities storms, droughts, and seasonal damage have deforested the land. These areas are in stages of transition Equal Exchange works with farmers to restore damaged lands using agroforestry systems and coffee as the principal crop. Agroforestry refers to growing trees together with other agricultural crops and animals to benefit plants, animals, people, and the environment. Even though the concept is new, agroforestry has been practiced for thousands of years to sustainably provide food, medicine, and materials. Agroforestry also provides many highly valued ecological services: conservation of soil and water, biodiversity, and beauty, to name a few. Many people are now rediscovering agroforestry as a way to address food insecurity, resource conservation, and habitat restoration, while building local economic capacity. Climate Change calls us to land restoration for the sake of the planet and those who dwell upon it.
THANK YOU for supporting small farmers through purchases of coffee, tea and chocolate. SAPC was recognized for 2020 sales which placed us in the top 5% of congregations and community groups purchasing from Equal Exchange!Click here to view the order form. Please send orders to Mary Evans, by Monday, May 10th and anticipate product delivery by the end of May.