St. Andrew's

Caring for Creation

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If you ever wished you could recycle your used aluminum foil –

-you can! The Caring for Creation Team has experimented with this possibility, and has worked out the procedures which are available here. The Team pro-poses to do an experiment during April, in recognition of Earth Day (April 22). We invite you to bring your clean aluminum foil during each Sunday in April, and place it in the designated container in the Narthex.

Earth Care Congregation

St, Andrews is pleased to announce that we have been re-certified as an Earth Care Congregation for 2024 by the Presbyterian Mission Association.

St. Andrews was certified a PCUSA Earth Care Congregation in 2010!  We are so proud of our Caring for Creation members and all their efforts during the past ten years.

A Caring for Creation Committee, formed in 2006, has promoted conservation measures on the part of the church and its members.  The Presbyterian Church USA in 2010 certified St. Andrews as the first Presbyterian “Earth Care Congregation” in Georgia.    St. Andrews members have implemented an extensive recycling program, and the church sponsored a Georgia Interfaith Power And Light (GIPL) Home Energy Audit Training class at Wednesday fellowship meetings in 2012.

Earth Care Congregation

hat same year GIPL presented its Trailblazer Award to St. Andrews to honor the church’s Race 4 Grace, a race we held in the past as a mission fundraiser, named a Green Event for encouraging on-line (paper-less) registration, having recycling and compost bins at the event, providing public transportation to the race, and hosting environmental education.  The church even donates leftover food from the race to a local homeless shelter.

Recent energy improvements to St. Andrews School included HVAC and lighting upgrades, LED exit signs, and motion detectors to automatically turn lights on and off.

One way we support Creation is by supporting The Presbyterian Coffee Project

Most small-scale farmers are isolated from markets and exploited by intermediaries. Consequently, they haven’t sufficient money to provide education and health care for their families.

The Presbyterian Coffee Project, a partner in the Equal Exchange Interfaith Coffee Program, offers products that are 100% fairly traded in accordance with internationally recognized standards. By purchasing these products, we share the benefits of trade with the farmers who produce them and also help to create a more just, green and healthy world.  The order form is posted on our news feed for the quarterly order period – February, May, August and November.

Equal Exchange notified us in January 2019 that for the 2018 sales year, St Andrews was among the top 5% of over 6,000 faith-based groups who order EE’s fairly traded, organic products. They reminded us that in addition to our purchases being directly beneficial to the small-scale farmers who grow them, for every pound purchased, $0.15 is donated to the Presbyterian Hunger Program. Thank you for your continued support of the Presbyterian Coffee Project!