St. Andrew's

Back to School Carnival Scheduled for August 16

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Second Carnival

St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Tucker, home of a great church pre-school and after-school program, holds its fourth annual “Back to School Carnival” on Saturday, August 16, 2014, 10 am to 1 pm, on the church property at 4882 Lavista Road. The Carnival is a gift to the community so everything is free.

Activities  include face painting, bounce houses, spin art, a petting zoo, Bible stories and church songs, plus hotdogs, chips, snow cones and other snacks.

“It’s really a lot of fun for families with young children,” said Tiffany Held, one of the event planners. “It’s an opportunity to experience our hospitality, see our campus and ask questions about our programs.”

St. Andrews Church was started in the early 1960’s and first opened the school in 1969. Today, it serves more than 100 pre-school children ranging in age from six months to five years old, and provides an after-school program for students in grades one through five. It also offers a day camp during summer months.

Last year’s carnival drew a crowd of more than 250 parents and children even though it was a rainy day. If you have young children and are looking for a pre-school or an after-school program that teaches values as well as core skills, or are just looking for a new church home, we would love to see you on Saturday August 16 at the St. Andrews 2014 “Back to School Carnival.”

For more information, call 770 938-2833, or email the office at

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