Give - How to donate
Home > How to donate
We offer a number of ways to give of your financial resources to Saint Andrews. Your generosity sustains the church and our mission to be the hands and feet of Christ on earth. You can make your pledge by submitting your pledge card in the offering plate or mailing it to the office. Consider online giving where your pledge is automatically deducted from a bank account or a charge card. This guarantees your support without missing a time to give or forgetting your commitment for the year.
Online Giving
Visit our online giving page to make your donation by credit card or Paypal account.
Bill Pay
Use your bank’s Bill Pay system to make automatic payments to Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church. Use the following information:
Pay to: St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
Address: 4882 LaVista Road, Tucker, GA 30084
US Mail
Mail your donation to:
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
c/o Financial Administrator
4882 LaVista Road
Tucker, GA 30084
During Worship
Cash or checks may be placed in the offering plate in the narthex during our worship services.
Stock and other gifts
Consider donating stocks or including St. Andrews in your will to continue a commitment.
Your Commitment
Whatever you can commit will help our Session budget our funds wisely. You can choose a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual amount.