What to Expect

Who We Are:
St. Andrews has celebrated 60-plus years and is still a thriving congregation. We are a member of the PC (USA) and have served Tucker and the surrounding communities as a place of welcome and outreach. We will welcome you with smiles, a warm greeting, and usually food. We hope to see you soon!
- We are a community of faith following the path of discipleship as laid down by Jesus Christ.
- We strive to keep open the doors of our community to all who are seeking a church home.
- We welcome anyone seeking to explore Christianity, commit anew to Jesus Christ, recommit to Jesus Christ, to find a place to practice their faith in a new church home.
- We are a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), established in 1960 to serve Christ in the Tucker and Greater Atlanta communities.
A Message from St. Andrews’ Session:
In 2019, the session (local church governing board) studied the concept of “welcoming.” Is it the same as “inviting”? Does it always mean “inclusive”? Does the word mean the same thing to every Church family? Most importantly, does it demonstrate our commitment to live up to Christ’s expectations of us as the Church?
After hours and months of study, discussion, and prayer, the session created and adopted a more inviting and inclusive statement about who we, as a congregation, are:
- As one part of the church of Jesus Christ, we are inspired and guided by Christ’s vision of God’s realm – one that includes all who seek to love God and neighbor.
- St. Andrews Presbyterian Church welcomes all people, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic situation, family status, mental or physical abilities to become part of the membership and ministry of the church. We welcome all of each of you.

New to St Andrews?
So you never entered the driveway leading to our church campus? Well, the front door is not at the front, it’s on the side next to the recreation building side, or the east side of the building. There is a wonderful, covered portico leading into the Narthex, what we call our entrance or reception. Greeters and ushers will help you find a bulletin and a place to sit. We have one service at 10 a.m., and Sunday School is at 9 a.m. next door in the education building.
It’s not a complicated place, but we don’t want you to be confused about our front door. We want you to enter our “home” for welcome. When we had our building program in 2010, our main goal was to make everyone feel comfortable, at home and welcomed to our space. We sincerely hope you feel that way when you visit
Our administrative office is across the courtyard and is easily accessible from the west parking lot. The hours are 9 – 1 Monday through Friday.
Heffner Hall, our fellowship hall, is just off that west parking lot too, and has a ramp for handicap accessibility. That’s where we “party” and eat.