Worship Every Sunday at 10:00 am
4882 Lavista Road | Tucker, Georgia 30084-4460
office@sapctucker.org | 770-938-2833
Directions to St. Andrews

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April 15th-How does God answer prayers? Join us at as we look at scenes from the movie Bruce Almighty starring Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman. Camille will lead the adults in a conversation about how we pray, what makes a good prayer, and what we’ve been taught about prayer in our churches, families, scripture and traditions. It’s a potluck dinner featuring Breakfast for Dinner. You can even come in your pajamas.

April 29th– To continue the conversation about caring for the Earth in our everyday lives, Caring for Creation will help us think about being good stewards of the Earth. Catered dinner by Greater Good BBQ. $8 for adults, $3 children, children under 3 are free. Family max $25.