Worship Every Sunday at 10:00 am
4882 Lavista Road | Tucker, Georgia 30084-4460
office@sapctucker.org | 770-938-2833
Directions to St. Andrews

The average American family takes home almost 1500 plastic shopping bags per year. Many of these bags find their way into the natural environment where they are mistaken for food and consumed, harming both land and marine animals. Plastic bags do not biodegrade, instead they photo-degrade, breaking apart into smaller and smaller pieces over time. These tiny pieces of plastic pollute our soil, waterways, and oceans and are especially dangerous for filter-feeding marine life. It’s time to get serious about plastic bags! Please make a plan so that you’ll always have reusable bags with you when shopping. More information can be found here. If you haven’t seen the recent video of plastic in the ocean near Bali, you can find it here.