Worship Every Sunday at 10:00 am
4882 Lavista Road | Tucker, Georgia 30084-4460
office@sapctucker.org | 770-938-2833
Directions to St. Andrews

As part of the Vital Congregations Initiative, throughout November St. Andrews collectively ponders “Who we have been;” revisiting our history and heritage through an in-sanctuary historical exhibit. On the first three Sundays of November, congregants themselves will progressively build the commemorative exhibit during the worship service as they bring forward their historical offerings — artifacts, mementos, and important dates — to the table time-line exhibit.

This Sunday, November 5th, we begin constructing the exhibit by writing on the table timeline our membership anniversary dates. Be here for Sunday’s worship service to make sure your family’s name is written on the year you joined St. Andrews and celebrate with us all that God has done here these last 63 years! The following two Sundays we will add artifacts and mementos focusing on church trips and retreats on November 12th; and November 19th on weddings, baptisms, funerals and other sacred ceremonies.