St. Andrews is a church about connections through mission projects, small group fun, fellowship and spiritual communion. Check out the ways you can Connect at St. Andrews.
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There are many ways to connect with others at SAPC. Listed below are the current small groups of people who work, play, study and make music together.
If you would like more to be included in one or more of the groups, receive more information or offer a suggestion for a new way to connect, you can let us know by clicking here.
The 39ers are part of the senior adult ministry at SAPC. They meet on the first Monday of each month at various local restaurants for a time of fellowship and sharing. Details of each month’s place and schedule are provided in the bulletin and weekly e-mails; all are welcome to attend.
Bridge Group
The Bridge Group meets on the first Friday of the month in the Library. They currently play two tables, but would welcome all to join in!
Lilburn Supper Group
The Supper Group is currently composed of members living in the Lilburn area who meet monthly for dinner and fellowship. Responsibility for choosing the restaurant, setting the date, and providing information to all members rotates on a monthly, volunteer basis
Older Adult and Caregiver Ministries
The Older Adult and Caregiver Ministries provides information about resources, programs for older adults, and facing challenges in later life or as a family caregiver. In addition, the ministry stays in touch with our home-bound members through calls, cards, and visits
Youth Group
Throughout the year, our youth and their friends and neighbors are invited to participate in youth groups and youth choirs, meeting on Sunday evenings at the Church. They also participate in mission projects, contribute to and lead worship at least once a year, and have opportunities to participate in both national and international mission trips.
Big Table
Big Table is an intergenerational group, meeting several times during the year as a four-week series, with a shared supper and separate planned activities for children and adults. The meetings are held on Wednesday nights, from 5:45 to 7:30 p.m. During each four-week sessions, there are multiple opportunities for involvement, including helping with set-up, working with the children, participating in clean up (with attention to re-cycling opportunities), and helping with program activities. Each session, once scheduled, is announced through the bulletin, weekly e-mails, and the Lamplighter.
Confirmation Classes
Confirmation classes are provided every two years for young people wishing to join the church. Classes are planned and led by the Youth Director. When classes are scheduled, there are opportunities for assisting in class development, and positions as mentors for the participants.
Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women of SAPC meet every second Tuesday, from 10:00 a.m. to noon in the meeting room. In addition to times of Bible study, they share fellowship and refreshments with each other. Presbyterian Women also bake, pack, and ship Valentine goodies to college students and serving military personnel from our congregation.
Sunday School Classes
- Children’s Sunday School classes are held during the School Year in the Education Building, and include Bible stories, art, and fellowship. Curriculum are selected annually by the Education Ministry.
- Youth Sunday School classes are also held during the School Year, meeting in the Youth Lounge; curriculum is planned annually by out Education Ministry, working with John McCrosky, our Youth Director.
- Three adult classes are available:
- Fidelis Class meets in the Church Library, with the members choosing to meet year-round. The class has volunteer leaders, and the class chooses their Bible-focused curriculum on an annual basis.
- Potpourri Class meets in the Education Building during the school year. The class, led by Mike Bearden, selects and studies various books of interest during the year, with a discussion format.
- Kairos class meets in the Middle School Lounge during the school year. Led by Jane Thomas, we select books for study, and alternate between Biblical study and books addressing societal issues. Following a discussion format, no previous reading or study is necessary.
Caring for Creation
The caring for creation team led the effort to become certified as the first PCUSA Earth Care Congregation in Georgia in 2010 and continues to provide leadership in this area. The group has helped with campus improvements to the HVAC systems and lighting upgrades, implemented an extensive recycling program, sponsored educational events, among other activities.
They also support fair trade through the Presbyterian Coffee Project, which gives members of the congregation the opportunity to purchase various coffee, tea, and chocolate products during quarterly order periods in February, May, August, and November
Church at Prayer
Church at Prayer meets every Friday at 9:00 a.m. in the Library to pray together for the joys and concerns of the church and community. All are welcome to join.
Our SAPC deacons are our touchstones with all of our members, making it possible for the church to know the wants and needs of our congregation. As defined by the Book of Order, “It is the duty of deacons, first of all, to minister to those who are in need to the sick, to the friendless, and to any may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith. SAPC elects 8 deacons to serve terms of two years. During this time, the Diaconate meets monthly on the second Sunday of each month at 11:30 a.m.
Emergency Response Committee
The committee has provided long-term planning and care for the congregation in a number of ways, including plans to protect personal and property during emergency situations, establishing an Emergency Response Plan, and providing educational information to the congregation on ways to prepare for an emergency at home.
Fix-It Crew
We have some faithful members who know how to repair or build most anything – or will find out how. Always in need of volunteers, this group works diligently to keep our church, our school, and our campus in good shape. They recently completed the shed in back of the education building that houses all our maintenance supplies, lawnmowers, etc. The group frequently meets for breakfast on work days for planning and fellowship.
Funeral Guild
The Funeral Guild is a group of trained volunteers who are familiar with the facilities. Their service is a gift to the church. They work with the ministers to see that all necessary preparations are made prior to the service of your loved ones. Guild members will assist with flower, guest book, providing ushers, distributing programs, and assisting the families in any ways needed
Knit N Love
The Knit N Love group meets in the Library of the church office once monthly (currently working to establish a standard date, tba), and works to provide prayer shawls for members of the congregation who are in need of comfort. This small group of dedicated knitters is always seeking others to join us as we fellowship and knit together. Our deacons provide vital assistance in delivering the shawls to members as part of their care giving mission.
Lawnmower Repair Group
An offshoot of the Fixing Crew, a group of our volunteers, assisted by members of the Youth Group, provide free services each Spring to members of the community to clean up, sharpen blades, and generally prepare lawnmowers for the summer months. Volunteers to work on this project are always welcome as we reach out to our community.
N.E.T. Food Pantry
The N.E.T. Food Pantry operates out of Room 15 in the Tucker City Rec. Center. It has been in operation for more than 35 years, and is staffed by volunteers from 12 area churches, and is open MWF from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. SAPC provides volunteers for one month, every ten months. We also provide powdered milk, oatmeal, and grits; donations of these items can be left in the box in the narthex all year.
An initiative of Affordable Housing, this organization employs homeless and low-income individuals and trains them in weaving and sales, providing opportunities for economic success. The weavers recycle materials into hand-woven rugs, placemats and bags. SAPC re:loom group supports this initiative by collecting and meeting to prepare materials for the weavers. They meet one Monday evening per month in the office.
Usher Teams
Our usher teams, comprised of volunteers, are responsible for opening the education building and sanctuary for services, greeting attendees, distributing bulletins, and collecting the offerings. At the close of the service, they are responsible for taking all supplies and offerings to the administration building, and ensuring that all doors and buildings have been relocked. Ushers also assist with other tasks during the worship services as needed.
Wedding Guild
The St. Andrews Wedding Guild, a group of trained volunteers, will work with the pastor and the wedding couple to provide assistance in planning and implementing the details of the usage of SAPC church facilities. Activities include directing the rehearsal, assisting in setup (flowers, candles, etc.) in compliance of SAPC policies, and providing support and assistance as needed by the wedding party on the day of the ceremony.
Care Committee
The Care Committee organizes receptions after memorial services. They bring food, set up and clean up after the receptions.
Session Ministries
The work and responsibilities of the Session are distributed among five Ministries, and each of these Ministries provides several opportunities for volunteers to help in this work.
Education Ministry
Responsible for providing/overseeing Christian educational opportunities for children, youth, and adults, and for overseeing the operation of the St. Andrews School. Volunteer openings include Sunday School teachers, nursery volunteers, and providing meals for Sunday evening youth groups. In addition, this ministry provides the annual Easter Egg Hunt and the Summer Carnival, both areas with lots of room for volunteers to help and have fun.
Engagement Ministry
Responsible for creating and sponsoring events and programs that support families in the congregation and the community, and to enfold members and other participants into a loving and caring Christian environment. Volunteer opportunities include serving as greeters at worship, welcoming members with lunch invitations, composing brief bios about new members to share in the Lamplighter, serving as SAPC ambassadors at community events, and working to provide food for special functions, and assisting in set up and clean up for a myriad of activities.
Management Ministry
Oversees the proper administration of the Church’s business, especially as it applies to leadership development, financial management, stewardship and church staff. Comprised of four standing committees (Financial Management, Generosity, Personnel, and Building and Property), each of which offers multiple opportunities for volunteer assistance, both in the office and in taking care of our facilities. Financial expertise? Love of Gardening? Office skills? Ability to be “on-call” for one-time tasks or to answer phones? All are needed and welcome.
Mission Ministry
Responsible for finding ways to educate, guide, and challenge the congregation to unite our time, talents and money in Christian service regarding local, national, and international needs and issues. The Ministry is also responsible for St. Andrews financial support of benevolences to other organizations. Volunteers are needed to support the ministry through serving at the Clifton Sanctuaries Ministry, planning and supporting the development of local mission activities, and participating in one-time mission opportunities. You may also have the opportunity to serve as chaperones and/or participants for youth and intergenerational mission trips.
Worship Ministry
Responsible for providing worship support for worship of the congregation, including proclamation of the Word through word and music and the administration of the Sacraments. This includes all special services, such as weddings, funerals, guest pastors, ordinations and installations. The Worship Ministry is responsible for the following: ushers, acolytes, lay readers, communion, Wedding Guild, and the Funeral Guild. In addition to the Ushers, Wedding Guild, and Funeral Guild (listed separately in this document) the Ministry provides training for and schedules our acolytes and lay readers.
SAPC loves to make a joyful noise, and we do it in many different ways, including several choirs and bell ringing groups.
Chancel Choir
Chancel Choir is a group of adults who meet once a week to prepare anthems to help lead worship on Sunday mornings. They participate in worship almost every Sunday with a break during the summer. Special musical presentations are offered during the Advent/Christmas season, during Holy Week, and various times throughout the year. Rehearsals are Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the Choir Room.
Chancel Bells
Chancel Bells meet once a week to practice the art of handbell ringing. With three octaves of handbells, Chancel Bells perform in worship approximately once a month. A limited number of positions are available, and we always welcome experienced substitute ringers. Rehearsals are Sundays from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Choir Room
Men’s Chorus
Men who love to sing together lead worship once a month. This group rehearses on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. a couple of Sundays before they sing. Rehearsals are Sundays from 9 to 9:30 a.m. in the Choir Room
Women’s Ensemble
The Women’s Ensemble meets to sing in Worship, usually on the third Sunday of every other month. Rehearsals are the second Sunday of the month at 11:00 am (immediately following Worship) in the Choir Room.
Youth Choir
Youth Choir is open to all youth, grades 6 – 12. They sing in worship on a monthly schedule and also sing for special occasions such as Lessons and Carols, Youth Sunday and Mothers’ Day. Rehearsals are Sundays from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Choir Room.
Glory to God Kids (G2G)
St. Andrews Glory to God (G2G) Kids choir rehearses as part of their worship arts program during Big Table. All kids, Pre-K thru 5th Grade, are welcome. Come make a joyful noise with us! Rehearsals are Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the Choir Room