Worship Every Sunday at 10:00 am
4882 Lavista Road | Tucker, Georgia 30084-4460
office@sapctucker.org | 770-938-2833
Directions to St. Andrews

Please join us for our final Vespers service this summer on Sunday, August 6th at 5:00 pm. The service will be led by our seminary intern Colleen Cook and will take place in the youth lounge. We will use a contemporary Vespers liturgy from the Iona Community.  We’ll reflect on this ancient practice, on nightfall, and on the language we use when we talk to God.

The Nominating Committee is currently in the process of identifying and nominating a slate of elder and deacon candidates to present to the congregation later this fall. Members of the congregation who wish to suggest someone (either one’s self or another member) for these positions should share these names with any member of the Nominating Committee for consideration, or complete the Nominating Committee Suggestion Card found in the pews and return it in the offering plate.  Nominating Committee members are Paul Burns, Debbie Brilling, Molly Darnell, Jeff Nelson, and Bret Moore.

DeKalb County is no longer accepting glass in its curbside single-stream recycling program. Instead, DeKalb now offers residents dedicated county-operated glass recycling drop-off locations featuring a glass sort-separation process. Residents are asked to rinse used food and beverage glass containers at home before sorting and placing them in county-operated glass recycling containers located at Tucker Recreation Center and at other locations throughout the county.

DeKalb is the first county in Georgia to offer an official glass recycling drop-off program in an urban area This program should extend a landfill’s useful life, lower production costs for glass container manufacturers, create jobs in the glass container and fiberglass industries, and conserve natural resources/reduce the consumption of raw materials.

St. Andrews Caring for Creation encourages members to engage in this nationwide trend to divert glass from landfills. Please join the quest to make glass a more sustainable and valuable recyclable material.

You can make a world of difference by bringing fairly traded coffee, tea, and chocolate to your table. People of faith nationwide live out their values through their consumer choices. One such choice is the purchase of fair trade products. Fair Trade is a process of giving a fair exchange.

Farmers provide high-quality products at a fair price to you and, by cutting out the middlemen, you pay farmers more. Fair trade allows small farming communities independence and the ability to provide for their families, green our planet and build a better future. Join the movement! St. Andrews will place a quarterly order for fair trade coffee and tea in August. Please find order forms in the narthex and place orders in the offering plate or with Mary Evans,   by August 14

What do you typically do when you become angry or frustrated with your child or grandchild?  For many, anger and frustration can lead to yelling, stomping, being too harsh with correction, and a lot of stress for you and your child or grand-child.  We all have different reactions to anger that are instantaneous, but we can start to control these reactions when we have a plan.

In the link provided here, there is a handout with the steps of how to make you own Calming Down Plan.  Fill this out for yourself and practice the steps with your spouse, or a close friend.  You can then use it when you become frustrated or angry.  Once you have experienced success with these steps, you can then use this handout to teach your children how to have a Calm Down Plan also.


Say Spencer, LCSW

Thornwell Building Families Program



The garden continues to produce!

St. Andrews and Riverview Farms partner in a CSA, a way for Tucker tables to be filled with organic, locally grown produce. Each week interesting boxes of 5-7 items are delivered to St. Andrews where CSA members who pay in advance pick them up. The farm, is famous for its fresh food which provides nourishment and flavor deep into the fall. If interested in participating, contact Mary Evans

Rally Day

Join us for an old-fashioned Rally Day at 9:00 AM on Sunday, September 10th.  We’ll all gather together for a continental breakfast and time of fellowship. Our children and youth will meet their teachers, and go off to their classes.  Our adults will stay to find out about the various adult education opportunities planned for Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings this fall.

Church Directories have arrived and will be handed out to members after the congregational meeting on Sunday. Join us!


Congregational Meeting There will be a called congregational meeting to elect our nominating committee this Sunday, July 30th after worship in the Sanctuary. The members we are nominating are to the committee on Sunday are: Bret Moore, Molly Darnell, and Jeff Nelson.

Amnesty Day, Saturday, July 29 – 8 AM – 4 PM DeKalb County residents have a one-time opportunity to dispose of bulky and special collection items, bagged garbage and more, free of charge at the Seminole Road Landfill. Join us in our journey toward a safer, cleaner and more sustainable DeKalb by delivering items to the Seminole Road Landfill, 4203 Clevemont Road, Ellenwood, GA 30294