Worship Every Sunday at 10:00 am
4882 Lavista Road | Tucker, Georgia 30084-4460
office@sapctucker.org | 770-938-2833
Directions to St. Andrews
Lay Liturgists Needed:  The Lay Liturgist program began at SAPC several years ago. Our congregation and worship leaders enjoy hearing many voices share the Word.  We will have an informal training session Sun., April 24, after 10:00 worship, with some experienced readers sharing their tips. Each person is encouraged to select a favorite Bible verse to read at that session.  Current lay liturgists are invited, as well, for a refresher or to give input to new volunteers.

We are having a spirit night at The Greater Good Barbecue on Hugh Howell, Monday, April 11, from 5 to 8 p.m.  Help raise money for the youth summer mission trip by eating yummy barbecue and having fun with friends.  Just make sure you tell your server that you are there for Race for Grace.   Invite all your friends!


This is just a test. pay no attention.

Maundy Thursday Service: Tonight at 6:00 p.m. in Heffner Hall (due to expected rain). This service will begin with a simple meal shared around tables. We’ll hear scripture read and proclaimed, we will be invited to participate in the ritual of foot washing as Jesus did on that night, and we will share the Lord’s Supper together. This service is child-friendly.

City of Decatur hosts its Spring Electronics Recycling Day, Saturday, April 2, 9 AM to 1 PM at Decatur Public Works, 2635 Talley St. Enter from Columbia Drive to recycle old electronics and Styrofoam and to safely shred and recycle documents!
As you have probably seen in the bulletin or hopefully heard from a few St. Andrews Youth, we have our annual 10K/5K R4G fundraiser scheduled for April 16th. The proceeds from this year’s race will go directly to our Honduras mission trip slated for the last week of June, but we need your help to get all 21 of us there. Here is what we are looking for:
  • Sponsors – There is no donation too great or too small, we’ll take them all! Checks can be paid out to St. Andrews Presbyterian Church with Race for Grace in the memo line. You can also write the name of a youth you would like to sponsor directly. Each youth is responsible for raising $750.
  • Recruitment – Get your friends, family, and neighbors signed up to walk or run! For registration information, please visit http://www.r4gatl.org.
  • Volunteers – We’re looking for a few good volunteers. Please submit your name with Erin Johnston or Laura Papotto to sign-up.
  • St. Andrews Shirts – Several requests have been made for a St. Andrews shirt that could be worn out and about. This year’s race volunteer shirts will be made with the attached St. Andrews design. The shield will be located on the left chest and the St. Andrews Presbyterian will go across the back. Please enter the quantity and select the size you desire below. Please help us offset the cost of the shirt by making checks payable to St. Andrews Presbyterian Church with Race for Grace in the memo line. Unless otherwise specified below, race volunteers will receive the short sleeve t-shirt. The final order date is Friday, April 1st!    Here is the order form.

It’s time to get excited and get ready for our annual 5K/10 K Peachtree Qualifier that raises money for summer mission trips.

One way to promote our R4G on Saturday April 16 is to wear your old race shirts every where you can. Use yourself as a marketing tool to talk about our race and how people can sign up to run or walk, or how their business can be a sponsor and be on the 2016 shirt.

You can also like the R4G FB page and recommend it to friends.


Maundy Thursday Service: Thursday, March 24th 6:00 p.m. in the Courtyard (Heffner Hall if raining). This service will begin with a simple meal shared around tables. We’ll hear scripture read and proclaimed, we will be invited to participate in the footwashing as Jesus did on that night, and we will share the Lord’s Supper together. This service is child-friendly.
Good Friday Service: Friday, March 25th, 7:00 p.m. Tenebrae Service in the Sanctuary.
Easter Egg Hunt: Saturday, March 26th 10:00 a.m. in Heffner Hall! There will be crafts, snacks, story-telling, songs and more. Please donate small wrapped candies or other small goodies (stickers, tiny toys) that will fit easily into plastic eggs. The children thank you.
Easter Worship Service: Sunday, March 27th 10:00 a.m. At 9:00 all are invited to a special fellowship opportunity. As is our tradition, you are invited to bring your favorite breads to share during our annual Easter Bread celebration in Heffner Hall. We look forward to sharing this time of fellowship with our Church family and visitors.

During Lent Caring for Creation invites you to think about it!  Think About IT! World Water Day, March 22, is a worldwide observance to focus attention on a natural resource that all our lives and livelihoods depend upon. One in ten people lack access to safe water. One-half of all workers are employed in water-related sectors. Millions of these workers are unrecognized and unprotected.  Every hour 38 workers die from water-related diseases. These deaths can be prevented! Consider ways to maintain a clean water system. Protect streams from run off of pesticides, fertilizers, litter, pet wastes, household and automotive chemicals. Use detergents and cleaners low in phosphorous; control soil erosion and inspect and clean septic systems every 3-5 years
