Worship Every Sunday at 10:00 am
4882 Lavista Road | Tucker, Georgia 30084-4460
office@sapctucker.org | 770-938-2833
Directions to St. Andrews

Each week of Lent Caring for Creation will suggest ways to improve God’s Creation. Think about it! If you want to know about the composition and/or health effects of any household product that you use, you can find information about 15,000 consumer brands at the Household Products Database, which is offered by the US Department of Health & Human Services.

St Andrews After School Program is hiring a counselor and a bus driver- Please contact Terri at the school if you would like to apply: 770-934-1461.

Do you remember the first time you heard the Lord’s Prayer? Most of us not only can’t remember when we first heard this prayer, we can’t remember when we memorized it–because our memorizing was not a conscious effort; it was simply the process of hearing the words until they were part of our very persons.
Yet most of us don’t know much about this prayer, and we’re inclined to recite it without thinking. Martin Luther, with his penchant for saying things directly, described the Lord’s Prayer as the greatest martyr, “for everybody tortures and abuses it.” It is mostly, of course, the abuse of familiarity. Because we say it so often and because its words have the flow of poetry, we are likely to speak it without investment of either mind or heart.
Lent is an appropriate time to consider the prayer Jesus taught us to pray in a careful way. This year during Lent our scripture readings, sermons, and worship services will focus on different parts of the Lord’s Prayer.
In addition to our usual worship practices each week I’ll be introducing a different prayer practice that you can continue in your daily life. As we listen and learn from the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples you will get to learn about other ways to pray.
My hope is that we will all be renewed by spending time with the Lord’s Prayer. My hope is that some familiar phrases from the prayer may come to life for you in a new way this season and that our prayer life as a congregation and as individuals will be strengthened.
February 14
Our Father in Heaven
Matthew 6:5-13
February 21
Your kingdom come. Your will be done.
Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52February 28
…on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 26:36-39

March 6
Give us this day our daily bread.
Matthew 20:1-16

March 13
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Matthew 18:23-34

March 20 (Palm/Passion Sunday)
And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.
Matthew 4:1-11; 16:21-23

One of our sister Presbyterian churches in Stone Mountain, Eastminster, has recently expanded their ministry to Senior Adults with the opening of the Joe Evans Respite Care Center. The respite care program is designed to provide a safe, caring place for caregivers to bring frail senior adults while they run errands, keep appointments, or just have some time alone to rest. Eastminster’s center will be open from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday each week. Senior adults who are mobile and able to feed themselves can come for one to three days and receive a snack in the morning and a hot lunch. The daily schedule will include daily devotions, games, chair exercises, singing, and other stimulating activities. The fee will be $30 per day.

For more information visit the RESPITE website.

Please join us March 6th at 10 a.m. for a special service of worship. As we reflect on the “give us this day our daily bread” portion of the Lord’s prayer we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper and engage in the prayer practice of praying through service. During worship we will package 10,000 meals for Stop Hunger Now. These meals cost .25 per meal to package. We need your help to raise $2500 to cover the cost. To donate you can give your check to Rebecca in the church office, drop it in the offering plate or bring it with you when you join for this worshipful work. If you are writing a check please make sure you note STOP HUNGER NOW in the memo line. For more information and to register or donate online visit our team site at STOP HUNGER NOW

6:00 PM Pancake Supper in Heffner HallWe will be serving Pancakes, bacon and breakfast casseroles.  We have one volunteer who will be bringing a breakfast casserole but we need two more.  Please let Lynn Kozlosky know if you are able to bring a casserole by emailing the office, office@standrewspresbyterian.org.  The Fellowship Ministry looks forward to seeing you all there.

6:45 PM Worship Service in the SanctuaryFollowing dinner we will have a reflective service with songs, prayer, scripture, meditation, and imposition of ashes. Childcare will be provided.

Valentines Day Goodie Boxes are being prepared for out college students, grad students and active military. If you have someone in your family that fits the above definition, please send their mailing address to Merle Westbrook  via the office@standrewspresbyterian.org email address.

Then on Sunday, Feb. 7, at 11 a.m. the Presbyterian Women will collect home-baked cookies and other snacks to package for mailing on Monday to our list of far-flung, but well-loved members.


The 2015 Annual Report has been completed and is now ready for distribution. You may email the church office (office@standrewspresbyterian.org) for a downloadable copy,  or you may pick up a copy in the Narthex on Sunday. The Annual Meeting of the Congregation to receive the 2016 Budget and vote on Terms of Call will be held following the Worship Service on Sunday, February 28th, 2016. Please contact Marcia Noble if you have any questions or need additional information.

Yesterday, Jan. 17, Rev. Mike Reinsel served as guest preacher.  Mike served in a local congregation and an urban ministry before joining Rivers of the World in 2013 as Executive Director after serving on the Board of ROW for several years.  Ben Mathes, who is a founder of ROW and a previous Executive Director, has been well-known to us at St. Andrews, so Rev. Mike was welcomed with open arms.

Rev. Mike brought new of ROW and reminded us of the role as an international exploration and development agency that partners with remote communities in ten countries to anchor healthy, sustainable communities of faith in Jesus Christ.  ROW’s goal is to serve in an atmosphere of mutual concern and respect; and their projects run the gamut of meeting human, physical, and spiritual needs.  Academics, research, education, and medical/dental concerns go hand-in-hand with church planting, construction, evangelism, and Bible distribution.  Please visit their website for their fascinating history and stories of their mission.

Rev. Mike brought a great message, “What’s Your Divine Appointment?” that started with the Children’s Lesson. Each child received a cap, knitted by people from the communities served by ROW, and told the story of how children can use the colors to tell the story of Jesus’ love and grace for each of us.

12544646_10208396890749653_1493790802_o (2) 004Two of our kids modeled the caps.  The gold represents God, red is the sacrifice for us, black is for sin, and grace is the blue.  It was a simple message for each child to understand.





The sermon talked about those divine moments that happen to us that represent the Holy Spirit and our opportunities to share the love and grace of God.

We also loved Mike’s hand-painted stole.  It was worthy of close inspection.



CoroVoci-SongsOfLoveThe Lilburn Summer Singers have evolved into Coro Voci, a year round music chorus that concentrates on acapella pieces and high quality performance.

Ed Weaver, our organist and the director of Coro Voci, listened to the singers who loved singing together under his direction, and helped them realize the dream of a year round group.  The group rehearses at St. Andrews and a select group of church members are part of Coro Voci.

Coro Voci has been rehearsing for a few months now and is ready to launch the new musical group with Songs of Loves on Valentine’s Day at St. Andrews.  The concert will be Sunday, Feb. 14 at 3 p.m. in the St. Andrews Sanctuary.

The pieces selected for this concert reflect love in all its manifestations: God’s love, love of friends and romantic love.  Selections include “For God So Loved the World” by John Stainer to “You are the New Day” by John David to “L-O-V-E” by Bert Kaempfert.

So please make this world premiere of Coro Voci part of your Valentine’s Day.   Invite friends and bring your special someone.

Coro Voci will also present this concert at St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church in Dunwoody on Saturday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. if you can’t make it Sunday.