Worship Every Sunday at 10:00 am
4882 Lavista Road | Tucker, Georgia 30084-4460
office@sapctucker.org | 770-938-2833
Directions to St. Andrews

All Church Potluck On October 4th:  We’ll be joining with our Christian brothers and sisters around the world in celebrating World Communion Sunday. It’s the perfect occasion to gather as our St. Andrews church family around the table.  Please join us following worship on October 4, for a potluck lunch. Barbeque pork and chicken will be provided. You are invited to bring a side dish or dessert that represents your family heritage or tradition

The next WOW (What’s on Wednesday) on Sept. 23 at 6 p.m. features the provocative title of a book that explores what it means to be a Presbyterian in the Bible Belt and answers questions like: when were you saved?  Why do we baptize babies?  Rev. Camille will lead the discussion after dinner and help us explore what makes Presbyterians different.

Our kids will eat with their G2G table parents and then attend their worship arts workshops from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., rejoining their parents in Heffner Hall at the end of the separate programs.

The first WOW on Sept. 9th was a ball, full of fellowship and community.  The reviews from the kids on the new worship arts programs mentioned words like: Perfect! and Great!

Please join us on Wednesday, Sept. 23, 6 p.m. in Heffner Hall.

The Christian Century Magazine in their Sept. 2, 2015 issue doesn’t use our church, but two of our people who attended a conference introducing the new Glory to God Hymnal in February of  2014 were caught singing their hearts out and featured in an ad for the new hymnal.  Check it out:

G2G Hymnal Ad – Christian Century Magazine 09-02-15

Check out the previous Elder in charge of the worship ministry and our Director of Music.  Plus you can see our interim minister in the background.

It was a wonderful conference and the attendees came back with a passion for the hymnal and fundraising to buy it.  Check it out the next time you are in the sanctuary.


 Since he remarried and moved to Kansas, former St. Andrews member Arlin Buyert’s creative juices have really flowed.  Since 2012 he has published 4 books of poetry.  Arlin’s poetry is gripping and poignant, and he does a good job of drawing the reader into his experiences.  Come by the library and check out his poetry and see other selections to peruse.
Three books of poetry by Arlin Buyert

1. “O Say Can you See” -about his war
2. Family Photos – about his birth family.
3. Where Shadows Take Their Places –
    reminisces about love and loss in his Iowa

Wednesday, September 16, 6:30-7:30 p.m. The feature movie for the September discussion is The Homesman.  Participants should watch the movie on their own (via Netflix or rental) and then join the group for lively discussion about the role (or absence) of religion in the story.  Childcare will be provided, and questions may be directed to SAPCoutreach@gmail.com

On Sunday, August 16, the session voted to change our regular Sunday morning schedule.  Beginning Sept. 13 we will have Sunday School for all ages at 9 a.m. and one worship service at 10 a.m.

Our Wednesday night dinners (WOW) kicks off Wednesday, Sept. 9, 6 p.m. in Heffner Hall.  Kids eat free and adults will be charged a small fee to offset expenses.

During dinner, the children will sit at their own kids’ table with their volunteer Table Parents.  After dinner, volunteer adults known as Shepherds will take them to their individual workshops that include music and visual arts. The children will be divided into two groups:  Pre-K through first grade and second through fifth grade.  Dismissal for the last workshop will be at 7:30 so the children can meet their parents in Heffner Hall.

Adult Programming: 

Sept. 9 – Team Trivia:  come enjoy fellowship time with your church family and engage in a little friendly competition.

Sept. 23:  Are you saved, or art you Presbyterian?  Come learn about what makes Presbyterians different.  Have fun answering questions like : when were you saved? and why do we baptize babies?  (based on the book Being Presbyterian in the Bible Belt: a theological survival guide for youth, parents and other confused Presbyterians by Ted Foote and Alex Thornburg.)


St. Andrews School is excited to announce that it will be hosting a Fall arts and crafts festival on Saturday, October 24th from 9-4 in Heffner Hall at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church.  We are seeking vendors ranging from jewelry and wood crafts to seasonal decorative items and unique gift ideas for the holidays.  Booths are only $25, and all money raised from the sell of the booths benefits the school. Booths will be located inside, as space allows. We know we have many talented parents that are a part of SAS, and would love to have you as vendors!

We are also REALLY excited to offer a children’s art class during the festival.  We will provide canvases and other art supplies for a small fee.  What a great opportunity for the children of SAS and our community to exercise their creative muscles, and make unique presents for the season.

Please consider being a vendor at the festival, and forward the attached vendor application to anyone you know who might be interested in participating.  We are asking our vendors to donate one item to be a part of a raffle at the event.



Sunday, September 8 at 10 a.m., our worship service will be filled with songs and scripture related to water.  In our liturgy, our singing, our proclamation, and our prayers, we will celebrate the waters of creation, remember the waters of baptism, and be reminded of God’s gift of forgiveness in healing and cleansing waters.

Interested in learning more about St. Andrews?  Please join us for our “Welcome to St. Andrews Reception/Information Session,” which will be held August 23rd from 9:00am to 9:45am in the parlor.  This is a low-key, informal session for visitors to meet with our new pastor, learn more about St. Andrews, its programs/activities, and the Presbyterian Faith.  Childcare is available.  We hope to see you there!