Worship Every Sunday at 10:00 am
4882 Lavista Road | Tucker, Georgia 30084-4460
office@sapctucker.org | 770-938-2833
Directions to St. Andrews

Easter Flowers If you would like to dedicate an Easter flower in memory or in honor of a loved one, there are dedication forms available here and in the Narthex. Please note on the form if you plan to take the flower with you on Easter Sunday, or if it is a dedication only. Flowers are $10 each. Please put “Easter flowers” on the memo line, if paying by check. March 26th will be the last day for sending in dedications.

The Education Committee is now offering dedicated childcare during Sunday worship. Two nursery volunteers will be available to keep young children in the Narthex Parlor. Plans are being made to transition the Middle School room to a dedicated nursery, which will open soon. School-age children are welcome to use the PRAYground inside the sanctuary. Stay tuned for more updates, and contact your Education Elders if you’d like to assist: Klara Smith and Cindy Weimer.

The Presbyterian Women are organizing an ongoing collection of personal hygiene items for NETWorks Cooperative Ministries. Needed items include adult diapers, poise pads, maxi pads, and tampons. Please bring items to the Narthex, where a collection box will be located, or to PW meetings

Save the Date for an all-church Garden Work Day on Saturday, April 1st. Bring work gloves, and hand tools, if you have them. If not, we’ll have extras. Come early and stay for the book study, or pick a place to have lunch with your church family afterward. Let’s tidy up our grounds for Holy Week. All ages and ability levels are welcome.

There are spots available for upcoming dates to bring food to Clifton. For more information or to sign up, click here. This ministry is a very easy thing to do while maintaining your social distancing since meals are dropped off on Clifton’s front porch after calling ahead to let them know when you are coming. Last month, a group gathered on the 4th Sunday of the month after worship to make lunches for Clifton. If you are interested in helping, contact Phyllis Bearden

Each month on the first Sunday, we take an offering called Change for Children, which benefits the Alliance for Children Everywhere. Click here for stories and updates from this ministry. The next offering for Change for Children will be Sunday, March 5th. Bring your coins!

Sign up to join us on Sunday, March 26th from 3-5 pm in Heffner Hall

as we prepare 10,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger.

We will also have paper waivers available in the narthex beginning this Sunday.

All ages and ability levels are welcome.

The funds have already been raised for this event, but if you would like to donate, at the link below, it will go towards the next time we host Rise Against Hunger.

Our Lenten Book Study begins next week! We are studying Materiality as Resistance: Five Elements for Moral Action in the Real World by Walter Brueggemann. There are two options to attend this 5-week study: Thursday evenings on Zoom beginning March 2nd and Saturdays at 11:00 am in-person, starting March 4th. If you are interested in this study, go ahead and order your copy of the book online or from a local bookshop and read the Introduction and Chapter 1 in preparation for next week’s study. Here is the link to join Thursday, March 2nd at 7:00 pm on Zoom.

The Presbyterian Women will meet on Tuesday, February, 21st at 10:00 am on Zoom and in the meeting room. All of the women of St. Andrews are invited to attend

re:loom will meet Monday, February 20th at 11:00 am in the church library. Please bring your lunch, and we will share a meal together. For more information about re:loom click here.