Collecting Skivvies and Shower Shoes for Clifton Sanctuaries through December 24th
Our congregation will collect donations of underwear, undershirts and shower shoes (flip-flops) in support of Clifton Sanctuary Ministries. This is a long-time mission project adopted in coordination former members of the Church of the New Covenant. There are 2 ways to give:
- Purchase new men’s t-shirts, underwear, and shower shoes and drop them off at church, unwrapped, through December 24.There will be collection bins in the narthex and in the breezeway by the office.
- Make a donation to SAPC on-line or by check. Please put Skivvies & Shower Shoes in the memo line of your check. Online, please choose Mission and fill in Skivvies & Shower Shoes.
Contributions needed: white short-sleeve tee shirts and underwear (many prefer briefs; in sizes M, especially L and XL, and XXL); adult briefs/diapers are also appreciated (in sizes M, especially L and XL, and XXL).The drop-off donations will be delivered with the 4th Sunday meal we provide at Clifton on Dec 26th.