The Presbyterian Women (PW) have been part of St. Andrews since its beginnings.
They meets on the third Tuesday of the month, September through May, in the meeting room at 10:00 a.m. for Bible study and fellowship.
The PW also packs Goodie Boxes in February for Valentine’s Day delivery to those in college and the military.
The Presbyterian Women also make the new Chrismons for our Chrismon tree each Advent. On Christmas Eve, a Chrismon ornament is presented to each person who attends one of our Christmas Eve services.
For more information, contact Jackie Harper 770-934-3463
Collection for NETWorks
The Presbyterian Women are continuing to collect personal hygiene items for NETWorks Cooperative Ministries. Needed items include adult diapers, poise pads, maxi pads, and tampons. Please bring items to the collection box in the Narthex, or to PW meetings.