Worship Every Sunday at 10:00 am
4882 Lavista Road | Tucker, Georgia 30084-4460
office@sapctucker.org | 770-938-2833
Directions to St. Andrews

Presbyterian Women

All the women of St. Andrews are invited to attend the next meeting of the Presbyterian Women on Tuesday, February 18 at 10:00 a.m. in the Meeting Room. After Bible Study, there will be fellowship and refreshments. For more information about the Presbyterian Women, please contact Jackie Harper, 770-934-3463.


The 39ers are a group of people who like to meet and fellowship together and everyone is welcome to join them for their next meeting Monday, February 3 at Northlake Thai Cuisine. (3939 Lavista Rd. Tucker) Contact Charles Mills 678-575-2637 or Sarah Slusher with any questions, 770-939-9546

Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network Regional Conference

Stronger Together: Faith in Action Across Generations is the theme of the conference to be held at the Montreat Conference Center, April 30-May 1, 2020. A keynote address and three workshop periods (covering 10 different topics) will fill this day and a half conference. Included in the registration is lodging and 6 meals. Registration flyers can be found in the Narthex or you can read more about it here. There is an early bird special until March 1, 2020. Contact Pat Baker for more information.

Do you ever think of your home as a lifelong home, a home where you can feel comfortable and have ease of mobility throughout your entire life? St. Andrews is coordinating with HomeFree Home Modifications, AARP, Tucker Civic Association’s Lifelong Communities and Waffle House to put on this FREE event on Saturday, March 7, 2020, 8:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. in Heffner Hall.

There will be several speakers who are experts on helping individuals to safely maintain independence in their own homes. There will also be several vendors including Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC), AARP’s HomeFit Program, Cobb County Assistive Technology Lab, The Yellow Dot Program and much more! A causal breakfast will be served. Click here for our flyer.


Hunger Walk/Run

Sunday, March 15, is Atlanta’s Annual Hunger Walk/Run. It is a 5k and benefits the Atlanta Community Food Bank, local food pantries, shelters, community kitchens, senior centers and child care centers operated or supported by these hunger relief organizations, including the Greater Atlanta Presbytery. Click here for more information or to register

Join us around the Big Table March 4, 11, 18, & 25!

Big Table for Lent begins on Wednesday, March 4. Join us for our inter-generational dinner, fellowship, and learning. All ages are welcome. Dinner is from local restaurants for a cost of $10 for adults, $5 for kids age 5-12, and free for kids under 5. Family max for dinner is $20.


5:45-6:20 Dinner Served;

6:20-6:35 Fellowship Activity;

6:35-7:30 Programs for children, youth, and adults, childcare for infants and toddlers.


You don’t have to RSVP, but it sure does help. Please contact the office, or Merle Westbrook to let us know you’re coming, 770-934-4735

You are invited…

to join Caring for Creation (C4C) at The Carter Center, Thursday Feb 6, 7:00 p.m. for a talk on Climate Change led by Professor Brian Stone, the Director of the Urban Climate Lab at Georgia Tech. His work on urbanization and climate change has been featured on CNN and National Public Radio, as well as The New York Times and The Washington Post. Contact Mary Evans if interested in carpooling.

Coffee, Tea and Chocolate St. Andrews orders quarterly from the Presbyterian Coffee Project. All of the products are fair trade, and most are organic Coffee is a shade-loving shrub, ordinarily grown under a canopy of other plants. But in recent decades, people have developed sun-tolerant varieties of the coffee plant and cleared forests of native plants to plant large fields of coffee. These varieties, grown on plantations in a mono-culture system produce large yields but don’t support biodiversity. The Presbyterian Coffee Project offers certified organic coffee, the overwhelming majority of which are shade-grown. Shade trees and various types of crops and plant-life are an important part of the ecosystem for birds, pollinators and humans. Order coffee, tea and chocolate now! Find forms here and in the Narthex. Orders are being taken through February 9th. Please contact Mary Evans with any questions.


Service Opportunity  NETWorks Cooperative Ministry is conducting a Faith & Finances class every Monday night for 12 weeks, February 24 to May 11, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.  The program teaches our low-income neighbors how to manage money and resources in a way that expresses Christian values and promotes economic stability.  Participants are provided dinner and matched with a mentor who supports their progress.  St. Andrews’ Mission Ministry plans to provide a dinner for the class.  If you can help with the dinner or are interested in serving as a mentor, visit www.networkscoop.org or contact Paul Ellingson at 770-310-8396.

Advocacy Training for Affordable Housing & Access to Healthcare in Georgia will be held January 28 at 6 p.m. at First Presbyterian, Atlanta. Please register at www.P4BG.org.